Friday, May 23, 2008

The Exciting Life of the Lemmon's!!!

Sorry to anyone who looks at this blog,
I know there is like maybe a whopping 2 of you, I haven't really done anything exciting, so there hasn't been any new posts lately.
I decided I better write one for all my faithful blog readers, again maybe 2 if I am lucky, so here it is a blog about absolutely nothing.

Well how did you like it?
I know I need to come up with a more exciting life, but pretty much we just play with Allie's toys and go to the Library, and stuff. Allie thinks it is pretty exciting, but it's not that great of content for a blog.
sorry. Maybe we will do something neat in the next few weeks, but I kinda doubt it. so keep checking my blog to see that we have still done absolutely nothing!!!


Jen said...

Ha ha. I feel like writing that same post sometimes. You could tell us what good stuff you find at the library? I'm always on the lookout for a good read.

Annette said...

Marie, if you are basing your traffic count on your map counter it isn't very accurate.. I have one too and I have another counter at the bottom of my blog. The one at the bottom gives me the stats of who is on my blog and where their from etc. that counter has way more hits than the map counter but I keep the map because it's kind of fun.

and I am with your other friend sometimes our boring stuff is boring because we do it everyday but to your family and friends its cute fun and refreshing...

oh one more thing if you print your blog into a book at the end of the year so you have it as a journal then when you look back in ten years and your baby girl is almost a teenager you will be happy to have a picture of her at the library!

Stay cool in the george!

The Lemmon's said...

Okay, we make at least 3 viewers based on this blog's comments. So don't feel bad. We enjoy anything you have to "say" and will continue to check back often -- so keep it coming! :)

Ben said...

Marie, you make me laugh so hard. I love your blog! I totally know what you mean, though. I tend to just type on and on about nothing and then hit "publish"! It't probably better to do it your way...
Also, when I have absolutely NOTHING to say, I just post photos. (Now you know my secret and will be able to tell when i am being lazy.)
But, I LOVE your blog - I check it all the time!

Kristin said...

Marie! I found your blog thru Berkley and Annie Ward's (Annie is my sister-in-law's sister) and I'm so glad cause I've been wondering what is going on in your life! Allie is so dang cute and looks just like you. AND...if I had a blog I bet it would be way more boring--I love looking at yours!