So on Sunday Night my Car got Stolen. Yea, Wierd hu. I can't belieave it. It was parked infront of My house with the doors locked. I woke up on Monday Morning at it was gone. I am so bugged!!!!! There wasn't really anything in it except for a quilt, Allie's Car Seat and A bunch of her baby dolls, and some childrens CD's. I can't Imagine Someone gettting in My car, Hot wireing it, only to find ITsy Bitsy Spider Blarring on the Radio. How do you steal a car with baby dolls and childrens music playing. Just heartless If you ask me. So anyway that's my story. Boy am I mad!!!
Oh my gosh, Marie! I am SO sorry it was stolen. That is the worst feeling when something like that happens. I have never had my car stolen - but I've had other stuff and that violated feeling is the worst.
I hope they find your car and the MORONS who took it. Hang in there, and keep us updated!!
Marie so sorry about your car. Totally is not cool! I was so shocked when Eric called and told us!! I hope they catch the idiots who took it.
What!? That is crazy! I would be SO mad! Who do they think they are, right!?
Does it feel like nothing is going your way these days. The saying when it rains it pours holds true to you. You guys cant seem to catch a break. They must have liked the new tires you guys had to fork over to put on it. Jerks...I'm really sorry that happened to you. Things will get better.
Amazing! The worst part is,is they took it right from under your nose. We had our jeep stolen out of our driveway in high school (but we live near chicago).
Our car was stolen from the train station a year or two ago. It was abandoned after it ran out of gas. But, get this, they kept our CARSEAT, I was soo mad.
I hope you guys get it back, and they better not keep your carseat and children's cd;s!
Hey it's Ashlee-we worked at Southern together-I'm so sorry to hear about your car! I think that the worst feeling is knowing that something was stolen from you-we had our car broken into in Salt Lake all they took were some cds-nothing else, and my wallet was in there-go figure?! Keep us updated with what happens! I hope that you get your car back!
My blog is Please Keep in touch! You have such a cute family-I can't believe that the last time I saw you, you were bringing your baby around and she was just a couple weeks old-she is BEAUTIFUL! Hope all is well, besides the car stuff-I'm soooo sorry
ARE YOU JOKING ME? Marie.... what in the heck? I need to call you. This is so crazy.
What in good ol St. George - maybe you should move to Buffalo, NY. I haven't met anyone thats had their car stolen here...yet. My sister had her car stolen last year in St. George, but she left her keys in the ignition with the doors unlocked. That really stinks, maybe someone will find it.
Okay, so this is my second post on this one. I'm a weird-o, sorry. I've just beem thinking about you and wondering if there's an update?
Also, have you seen the Viewmont blog page??
It's worth a look for sure...(:
Take care!!!
I found you on the VHS blog. I was actually thinking about you the other day because I found some pictures of us from high school. How are you???
Your little girl looks just like you...what a cutie. I think I will add you to my blog list cause you are wonderful and I would love to keep in touch with you!
Love, Mandy (Sorensen) Taylor
Our sympathies. Your readers are, however, in serious need of an update of this situation.
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